"2 even white!" Through the hissing sound of headphones, there came two long tones, and soon there were four armored mine-clearing rocket launchers, and the engineers moved slowly forward. The German leopard tanks on their flanks followed and the slender barrels pointed majestically in the direction of the Japanese positions.

"Direct armored vehicles? Where are the engineers? Where is the infantry? " I saw a small number of German tanks through the telescope. The day before yesterday, the commander of the armored forces, Gong, asked him in doubt. He didn’t know who to ask, but when he asked these questions, he found that he didn’t seem to be able to answer them.
A Japanese commander beside him casually said, "Gong Jun, maybe they are all fighting for losses in Europe to break through the position and then play mobile warfare?" I heard that they are good at fighting a wide range of circuitous skirmishes and not good at fighting positional warfare … "
"Whoosh … I hope so, but I always feel that the other side has something we don’t know, which makes me have a bad feeling." The palace is still a little uneasy about its defense line. He tilted his head and said to the officer behind him, "Let Kawasaki United Captain Infantry try to test it and try not to let those weird German tanks and vehicles near our minefield."
"hey!" The Japanese officer nodded at attention and answered his commander’s order, but before he straightened up to prevent the alarm, the sharp sound echoed and tore at the heart of every Japanese soldier in the position
"honk! I don’t think the Germans will be so simple … Army? I really don’t know the convergence character when I take advantage of it … "Looking at one German Stuka 2 attack plane after another, I seem to be slightly relieved when I dive into the sky with that unique howl and drop bombs at very close range.
The German killer weapon seems to be this kind of nearly perfect integrated warfare. He heard that the Germans had this kind of fighting method during the first Nomenkan War-but until now, the Japanese army has not been able to do it. The Germans said at that time that they didn’t even have the courage to try.
The Japanese army lacked tanks that could crush their opponents, and there was no need for large-scale training and Chinese pilots. However, in the Nomenkan War, the Germans developed that kind of fighting style that seemed to be very powerful. A few white people in the Japanese army still remembered that the Germans had realized their ideas in those years and could skillfully transport this method, which brought terrible pressure to their opponents.
Mayer saw him through the telescope, and the Stuka-2 attack plane saw those planes almost hit the ground at the angle and height, and easily dropped the hanging bomb on the Japanese defensive position. The explosion seemed so devastating that even Mayer couldn’t help worrying about the enemy in the opposite position-what can I do if you all die?
With the German army’s skillful integrated attack and the army’s indiscriminate bombing, it is certainly impossible for the ground troops to just watch them finish those complicated preparations before the fire when the enemy is exhausted. The engineers skillfully took the bomb with the fixed rocket and put the detonating device in place, and finally finished their work after checking the safety and fixed plugs.
Several people nodded to each other and confirmed that all the preparations were ready. After that, the engineer commander in charge of demining pressed the fire button and fired rockets one after another at once. The bomb belt was dragged over the minefield and extended to the Japanese trenches by powerful forces.
"Blast!" With a heart-rending roar, the engineer twisted the detonator in his arms, and then the Japanese trench infantry was horrified to find themselves flying across the street. Those unexploded rockets dragged over and those thick "ropes" suddenly exploded
With the shaking of the earth and sand flying everywhere, many Japanese troops immediately lost sight of everything, and the huge vibration and explosion roar directly caused the Japanese army to stagger in the nearby trenches, and a few unlucky guys were even directly killed in their trenches.
The Soviets in the Soviet-German battlefield have experienced this huge demining industry many times, and its deterrent power is even higher than that covered by artillery fire. Most of the Soviets have experienced it once, and they have no courage to challenge it again. Now the Japanese army has also seen this terrible engineering vehicle-an "engineering vehicle" with much greater power than most of their weapons.
"hey! It’s been almost a year, and I still like the engineer mine-clearing car best! Every time I clear the mine, my pores are really comfortable! " Meyer put the telescope far behind, and he could feel the overwhelming momentum and shock. He smiled and shouted to the people around him that everyone around him also responded to his battalion commander and laughed.
"If you’re Japanese, you won’t have this wonderful experience." The car behind the tank shouted to Mayer with a smile on the back of the German officer’s hand. It was also the first time that he had seen the demining method of engineers on the front line, which really shocked his mind. In just a few years, his motherland had become so powerful, which was really a pleasant thing.
Such a wide road appeared so easily in front of the German armored forces, and the German Stuka-2 attack aircraft also threw their bombs at the Japanese soldiers. On this side of the road, the smoke-filled road has been opened by the Germans, and the German engineers waved to the rushing tanks, while the second tank has accelerated towards the Japanese defense line.
"Even with 1 and 3! Let’s go! " Mayer burst out laughing, then he reached out his hand and put on a neck-hanging earphone, and then the engine roared to command the tank turret. The commander retracted his half and easily buckled the hatch cover.
"attack! Attack! Follow the passage to the Japanese defensive position and then expand the breakthrough to the two wings! Try to cover our grenadiers and reduce their casualties! Battalion 2, there are more than two Soviet reserve teams behind us, and the Japanese will lose! " All kinds of orders in the earphone have been attacked one by one by the Germans, and it seems that a nightmare for the Japanese opposite them today has just begun.
"Emperors ….. how can human beings be brave enough to defeat such a terrible weapon?" Gong watched the vast minefield in front of his position completely destroyed by a terrible German mine-clearing weapon and sighed, "Then we can meet the Germans hand to hand … Now let me see if their tanks are as powerful as they say!"
It’s so nice to recommend my friend "The Strongest Special Forces Dragon King" to be chased around by the stunning school beauty Tang Feng!
Chapter 1173 1174 outrageous attack
Who would have thought that the German demining method was barbaric and powerful to the point of irrationality if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes? Those minefields carefully arranged by Japanese engineers to prevent Soviet tanks from advancing were mixed with anti-tank mines and anti-infantry mines, which caused trouble for the Germans for half an hour and were easily torn apart.
When the German Defence Forces grenadiers rushed into the Japanese trenches with their weapons bent down and quickly cleared the obstacles, the Japanese soldiers had not recovered their lost hearing from the huge explosion and roar.
Staggering these days, soldiers saw German soldiers rushing into their trenches. They were more shocked than watching those who should have been blocked by minefields and then trapped there to die. The enemy appeared a few meters away in front of them.
So these Japanese soldiers grabbed their rifles in a hurry, and I don’t know when they lost them, ready to fire at these enemies who suddenly appeared in front of them, but they lost their weapons again, because they will soon find that they once trusted the three-type rifle, but now they have really become "garbage" enough to kill them.
It’s rubbish! The Japanese army has always stressed that the infantry tactics are accurate shooting and fierce assassination, which has a great deal to do with their physical resources and beliefs. First of all, the Japanese army is short of metal resources, and they all hate the wave steel industry-every little makes a mickle is also a considerable metal resource, so the Japanese army is not willing to wave away.
Because of this, the Japanese emphasize individual soldiers’ accurate shooting and advocate long-range fire hitting the target, and are unwilling to use wave ammunition weapons-while the Germans use semi-powerful ammunition on a large scale and equip assault rifles, the Japanese troops still insist on equipping single-shot bolt rifles and machine guns.
In fact, this is also contrary to the conclusion that the Japanese military’s tactical thinking is due to the Japanese military’s final experiment, the large-scale tank troops’ regimented promotion of flash warfare tactics, and the Japanese high-level officials have been unable to believe that the fighting distance between the two sides will change fundamentally in the future war. This conclusion was made by the Germans and has been tested in actual combat.
The Japanese believe that their battlefields will be about 1,000 meters away from the fighting rifles as they were in World War I, and they should play an accurate shooting at this distance, relying more on soldiers’ courage and bayonet skills-that’s how they train their soldiers.
In fact, this view is very correct to some extent, because the backward tactics and outdated weapons in Southeast Asia and China make the war here exactly the same as the Japanese high-level speculation
This is also the reason why they seldom suffered in the battlefield before they met the United States and Germany, because the Japanese troops were trained to face the enemy, who did not have heavy weapons and firepower to fight trench warfare in World War I.
Therefore, in this situation, the Japanese army’s hard training and accurate shooting can bring great casualties to its opponents, and the fierce charge and fighting will make their opponents tremble. However, when the main enemies of the Japanese army become the United States and Germany, those elite Japanese infantry will find that they are not good at fighting, and there is no room for them to play.
The ideal distance for Japanese infantry fighting is 3 meters to 100 meters. If the distance is deadlocked, then the precise advantage of Japanese shooting will show that the opponent will either continue to support or be defeated because of casualties. However, Americans often call for artillery support and move a lot of firepower to suppress the Japanese army.
At present, the fighting method of Nomenkan, a German, seems to be more brutal and direct than that of the Americans. The distance between the Germans and the Japanese is about three meters. They directly armored heavy tanks and assault guns to cover their infantry and quickly approached to a distance of three to two meters.
Once close to this distance, the Germans equipped with g43 semi-automatic rifles and p44 assault rifles can immediately give full play to the absolute advantage of firepower density, so that the Japanese bolt-type single-shot rifle can shoot at a high distance with high accuracy. When the battle spreads to the trenches, the German submachine guns and semi-automatic assault rifles form a continuous fire root, so it is impossible to give Japanese soldiers a chance to fight bayonets.
Japanese soldiers managed to hold their rifles in the narrow trenches. When they pulled the bolt, they found that German soldiers were aiming at them with weapons. Before they could push their guns into the magazine, the other side had skillfully pulled their fingers and pressed the trigger.
Guns rang in secret, as if the allied forces of aggression against China had killed the spearmen of the Qing Dynasty with muskets. One by one, Japanese soldiers covered their chest with unwilling eyes, and occasionally there was fire. However, the Japanese army could also shoot a gun in a panic and cause oppressive damage to the Germans.
The battle soon turned into a massacre, and it was not clear what the general explosion just now was. The Japanese army found that German soldiers had been carrying a strange weapon and kept hitting deadly bombs at them.
"The enemy has rushed into the trenches! The enemy has rushed into the trench! " A Japanese soldier ran past his companion’s bunker in panic, awake, and his friendly troops had to take it and make corresponding preparations in the battle. After all, it is impossible for tens of thousands of Japanese soldiers in the two wings of friendly troops to defend their positions to be defeated by such a small number of Germans.
When the news of German invasion into trenches and bunkers spread, all Japanese soldiers thought that soldiers were not retreating or fleeing, but fighting back! The arrogance of the Japanese army in China for several years did not depend on luck. Their fighting quality and brave consciousness surpassed those of the German and Soviet troops, and they can definitely be called world-class
Near the trench, the Japanese army immediately launched a counterattack without waiting for their company to reach the counterattack order. After counting the Japanese soldiers and sergeant’s orders, they pulled out their waist bayonets without saying a word, stuck their three-type rifles, and their guns and helmets. A pair of determined eyes looked at the German army with fierce eyes.
"German explosives blew up our mines, and they took advantage of the chaos to break into our positions! Imperial soldiers, now we are going to take back our positions and repel those European barbarians who covet the imperial land! Go! " A command waved his command knife at that ready soldier in the trench.
"Long live the Emperor …!" The Japanese army held their rifles high and shouted, and quickly rushed to the German breakthrough positions along the trenches. These trenches and bunkers were dug up by their own shovels. They know the structure and terrain here better than anyone else. This is their advantage. Now they want their own advantages to save the battlefield.
Unfortunately, in this case, the Kawasaki United captain still found that his defensive position was visible to the naked eye, and the speed was lost. He saw his infantry rushing towards the German breakthrough area along the trench, and then it would make the Japanese soldiers who launched the deadly charge fall in pieces.