"2 even white!" Through the hissing sound of headphones, there came two long tones, and soon there were four armored mine-clearing rocket launchers, and the engineers moved slowly forward. The German leopard tanks on their flanks followed and the slender barrels pointed majestically in the direction of the Japanese positions.

"Direct armored vehicles? Where are the engineers? Where is the infantry? " I saw a small number of German tanks through the telescope. The day before yesterday, the commander of the armored forces, Gong, asked him in doubt. He didn’t know who to ask, but when he asked these questions, he found that he didn’t seem to be able to answer them.
A Japanese commander beside him casually said, "Gong Jun, maybe they are all fighting for losses in Europe to break through the position and then play mobile warfare?" I heard that they are good at fighting a wide range of circuitous skirmishes and not good at fighting positional warfare … "
"Whoosh … I hope so, but I always feel that the other side has something we don’t know, which makes me have a bad feeling." The palace is still a little uneasy about its defense line. He tilted his head and said to the officer behind him, "Let Kawasaki United Captain Infantry try to test it and try not to let those weird German tanks and vehicles near our minefield."
"hey!" The Japanese officer nodded at attention and answered his commander’s order, but before he straightened up to prevent the alarm, the sharp sound echoed and tore at the heart of every Japanese soldier in the position
"honk! I don’t think the Germans will be so simple … Army? I really don’t know the convergence character when I take advantage of it … "Looking at one German Stuka 2 attack plane after another, I seem to be slightly relieved when I dive into the sky with that unique howl and drop bombs at very close range.
The German killer weapon seems to be this kind of nearly perfect integrated warfare. He heard that the Germans had this kind of fighting method during the first Nomenkan War-but until now, the Japanese army has not been able to do it. The Germans said at that time that they didn’t even have the courage to try.
The Japanese army lacked tanks that could crush their opponents, and there was no need for large-scale training and Chinese pilots. However, in the Nomenkan War, the Germans developed that kind of fighting style that seemed to be very powerful. A few white people in the Japanese army still remembered that the Germans had realized their ideas in those years and could skillfully transport this method, which brought terrible pressure to their opponents.
Mayer saw him through the telescope, and the Stuka-2 attack plane saw those planes almost hit the ground at the angle and height, and easily dropped the hanging bomb on the Japanese defensive position. The explosion seemed so devastating that even Mayer couldn’t help worrying about the enemy in the opposite position-what can I do if you all die?
With the German army’s skillful integrated attack and the army’s indiscriminate bombing, it is certainly impossible for the ground troops to just watch them finish those complicated preparations before the fire when the enemy is exhausted. The engineers skillfully took the bomb with the fixed rocket and put the detonating device in place, and finally finished their work after checking the safety and fixed plugs.
Several people nodded to each other and confirmed that all the preparations were ready. After that, the engineer commander in charge of demining pressed the fire button and fired rockets one after another at once. The bomb belt was dragged over the minefield and extended to the Japanese trenches by powerful forces.
"Blast!" With a heart-rending roar, the engineer twisted the detonator in his arms, and then the Japanese trench infantry was horrified to find themselves flying across the street. Those unexploded rockets dragged over and those thick "ropes" suddenly exploded
With the shaking of the earth and sand flying everywhere, many Japanese troops immediately lost sight of everything, and the huge vibration and explosion roar directly caused the Japanese army to stagger in the nearby trenches, and a few unlucky guys were even directly killed in their trenches.
The Soviets in the Soviet-German battlefield have experienced this huge demining industry many times, and its deterrent power is even higher than that covered by artillery fire. Most of the Soviets have experienced it once, and they have no courage to challenge it again. Now the Japanese army has also seen this terrible engineering vehicle-an "engineering vehicle" with much greater power than most of their weapons.
"hey! It’s been almost a year, and I still like the engineer mine-clearing car best! Every time I clear the mine, my pores are really comfortable! " Meyer put the telescope far behind, and he could feel the overwhelming momentum and shock. He smiled and shouted to the people around him that everyone around him also responded to his battalion commander and laughed.
"If you’re Japanese, you won’t have this wonderful experience." The car behind the tank shouted to Mayer with a smile on the back of the German officer’s hand. It was also the first time that he had seen the demining method of engineers on the front line, which really shocked his mind. In just a few years, his motherland had become so powerful, which was really a pleasant thing.
Such a wide road appeared so easily in front of the German armored forces, and the German Stuka-2 attack aircraft also threw their bombs at the Japanese soldiers. On this side of the road, the smoke-filled road has been opened by the Germans, and the German engineers waved to the rushing tanks, while the second tank has accelerated towards the Japanese defense line.
"Even with 1 and 3! Let’s go! " Mayer burst out laughing, then he reached out his hand and put on a neck-hanging earphone, and then the engine roared to command the tank turret. The commander retracted his half and easily buckled the hatch cover.
"attack! Attack! Follow the passage to the Japanese defensive position and then expand the breakthrough to the two wings! Try to cover our grenadiers and reduce their casualties! Battalion 2, there are more than two Soviet reserve teams behind us, and the Japanese will lose! " All kinds of orders in the earphone have been attacked one by one by the Germans, and it seems that a nightmare for the Japanese opposite them today has just begun.
"Emperors ….. how can human beings be brave enough to defeat such a terrible weapon?" Gong watched the vast minefield in front of his position completely destroyed by a terrible German mine-clearing weapon and sighed, "Then we can meet the Germans hand to hand … Now let me see if their tanks are as powerful as they say!"
It’s so nice to recommend my friend "The Strongest Special Forces Dragon King" to be chased around by the stunning school beauty Tang Feng!
Chapter 1173 1174 outrageous attack
Who would have thought that the German demining method was barbaric and powerful to the point of irrationality if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes? Those minefields carefully arranged by Japanese engineers to prevent Soviet tanks from advancing were mixed with anti-tank mines and anti-infantry mines, which caused trouble for the Germans for half an hour and were easily torn apart.
When the German Defence Forces grenadiers rushed into the Japanese trenches with their weapons bent down and quickly cleared the obstacles, the Japanese soldiers had not recovered their lost hearing from the huge explosion and roar.
Staggering these days, soldiers saw German soldiers rushing into their trenches. They were more shocked than watching those who should have been blocked by minefields and then trapped there to die. The enemy appeared a few meters away in front of them.
So these Japanese soldiers grabbed their rifles in a hurry, and I don’t know when they lost them, ready to fire at these enemies who suddenly appeared in front of them, but they lost their weapons again, because they will soon find that they once trusted the three-type rifle, but now they have really become "garbage" enough to kill them.
It’s rubbish! The Japanese army has always stressed that the infantry tactics are accurate shooting and fierce assassination, which has a great deal to do with their physical resources and beliefs. First of all, the Japanese army is short of metal resources, and they all hate the wave steel industry-every little makes a mickle is also a considerable metal resource, so the Japanese army is not willing to wave away.
Because of this, the Japanese emphasize individual soldiers’ accurate shooting and advocate long-range fire hitting the target, and are unwilling to use wave ammunition weapons-while the Germans use semi-powerful ammunition on a large scale and equip assault rifles, the Japanese troops still insist on equipping single-shot bolt rifles and machine guns.
In fact, this is also contrary to the conclusion that the Japanese military’s tactical thinking is due to the Japanese military’s final experiment, the large-scale tank troops’ regimented promotion of flash warfare tactics, and the Japanese high-level officials have been unable to believe that the fighting distance between the two sides will change fundamentally in the future war. This conclusion was made by the Germans and has been tested in actual combat.
The Japanese believe that their battlefields will be about 1,000 meters away from the fighting rifles as they were in World War I, and they should play an accurate shooting at this distance, relying more on soldiers’ courage and bayonet skills-that’s how they train their soldiers.
In fact, this view is very correct to some extent, because the backward tactics and outdated weapons in Southeast Asia and China make the war here exactly the same as the Japanese high-level speculation
This is also the reason why they seldom suffered in the battlefield before they met the United States and Germany, because the Japanese troops were trained to face the enemy, who did not have heavy weapons and firepower to fight trench warfare in World War I.
Therefore, in this situation, the Japanese army’s hard training and accurate shooting can bring great casualties to its opponents, and the fierce charge and fighting will make their opponents tremble. However, when the main enemies of the Japanese army become the United States and Germany, those elite Japanese infantry will find that they are not good at fighting, and there is no room for them to play.
The ideal distance for Japanese infantry fighting is 3 meters to 100 meters. If the distance is deadlocked, then the precise advantage of Japanese shooting will show that the opponent will either continue to support or be defeated because of casualties. However, Americans often call for artillery support and move a lot of firepower to suppress the Japanese army.
At present, the fighting method of Nomenkan, a German, seems to be more brutal and direct than that of the Americans. The distance between the Germans and the Japanese is about three meters. They directly armored heavy tanks and assault guns to cover their infantry and quickly approached to a distance of three to two meters.
Once close to this distance, the Germans equipped with g43 semi-automatic rifles and p44 assault rifles can immediately give full play to the absolute advantage of firepower density, so that the Japanese bolt-type single-shot rifle can shoot at a high distance with high accuracy. When the battle spreads to the trenches, the German submachine guns and semi-automatic assault rifles form a continuous fire root, so it is impossible to give Japanese soldiers a chance to fight bayonets.
Japanese soldiers managed to hold their rifles in the narrow trenches. When they pulled the bolt, they found that German soldiers were aiming at them with weapons. Before they could push their guns into the magazine, the other side had skillfully pulled their fingers and pressed the trigger.
Guns rang in secret, as if the allied forces of aggression against China had killed the spearmen of the Qing Dynasty with muskets. One by one, Japanese soldiers covered their chest with unwilling eyes, and occasionally there was fire. However, the Japanese army could also shoot a gun in a panic and cause oppressive damage to the Germans.
The battle soon turned into a massacre, and it was not clear what the general explosion just now was. The Japanese army found that German soldiers had been carrying a strange weapon and kept hitting deadly bombs at them.
"The enemy has rushed into the trenches! The enemy has rushed into the trench! " A Japanese soldier ran past his companion’s bunker in panic, awake, and his friendly troops had to take it and make corresponding preparations in the battle. After all, it is impossible for tens of thousands of Japanese soldiers in the two wings of friendly troops to defend their positions to be defeated by such a small number of Germans.
When the news of German invasion into trenches and bunkers spread, all Japanese soldiers thought that soldiers were not retreating or fleeing, but fighting back! The arrogance of the Japanese army in China for several years did not depend on luck. Their fighting quality and brave consciousness surpassed those of the German and Soviet troops, and they can definitely be called world-class
Near the trench, the Japanese army immediately launched a counterattack without waiting for their company to reach the counterattack order. After counting the Japanese soldiers and sergeant’s orders, they pulled out their waist bayonets without saying a word, stuck their three-type rifles, and their guns and helmets. A pair of determined eyes looked at the German army with fierce eyes.
"German explosives blew up our mines, and they took advantage of the chaos to break into our positions! Imperial soldiers, now we are going to take back our positions and repel those European barbarians who covet the imperial land! Go! " A command waved his command knife at that ready soldier in the trench.
"Long live the Emperor …!" The Japanese army held their rifles high and shouted, and quickly rushed to the German breakthrough positions along the trenches. These trenches and bunkers were dug up by their own shovels. They know the structure and terrain here better than anyone else. This is their advantage. Now they want their own advantages to save the battlefield.
Unfortunately, in this case, the Kawasaki United captain still found that his defensive position was visible to the naked eye, and the speed was lost. He saw his infantry rushing towards the German breakthrough area along the trench, and then it would make the Japanese soldiers who launched the deadly charge fall in pieces.

"I have a few questions for you to answer honestly. Don’t let me lose patience with you." Zhai Ling solved the dumb hole.

"If you don’t kill me, I’ll tell you everything." Zhou immediately bowed.
"I want to know the information from Hei Hu. Tell me what you know," Zhai Ling said.
"Hei Hu gang?" On Monday, I thought of Zhai Ling’s identity at the same time. Is it because the court knew about his own smuggling?
Should I? If it really leaked out, how could the imperial court send this man to find trouble for himself?
Weeks also dare not think about what hurriedly confessed "Hei Hu gang is black three to five years ago to establish a force members about more than one thousand people black three this human nature is very greedy, especially like …"
"You and I are here to listen to a story?" Zhai Ling directly interrupted Zhou’s story and then said coldly, "What is the strength of the Hei Hu gang?"
"The highest is the fifth floor of the construction period. In addition to the black three, they Hei Hu help two people who fix the truth on the fifth floor of the construction period and more than 20 members of the construction period. They are all shrimp in the gathering period." Zhou did not dare to talk nonsense and quickly answered.
"What’s going on with your deal with the Hei Hu gang?" Zhai Ling also discovered the missing person. Originally, he had not linked Zhou’s family to this matter, but after a secret investigation, he found that Zhou was linked to this missing person case.
"This ….. I don’t know what is the meaning of black three? Three years ago, he suddenly found me and said he wanted to talk about a business deal with me. I really don’t know what’s wrong with him. Every year, he wants me to send him a lot of people, "Zhou replied."
"Do you know where those people have gone?" Zhai Ling wondered if this Hei Hu gang was doing something "big".
"I’m not sure if I sent someone to find out before. I heard that I was escorted to a secret base by the black three-body. I don’t know anything." Zhou can honestly answer his eyes and sneak a peek at Zhai Ling
"Good" Zhai Ling corners of the mouth a wide abrupt look at the week.
74, the wicked terminator (subscription)
Welcome to Zhai Ling’s deep and remote cold eyes and a quiver all over, but don’t wait for him to respond. Is Zhai Ling pointing out his dumb hole again? ? Huo ran Wen w? W? W? .?
Then I saw two luminous hands moving to his abdomen and suddenly a huge suction suddenly came out.
Zhou’s eyes stare big, and there is a strong fear in the incredible.
-What’s going on?
-What has reduced my aura?
It’s a pity that Zhou Gen couldn’t make a sound. He could tremble violently in situ and look at Zhai Ling like a devil.
"When you destroyed those koo people, you should have thought that you would have such a day." Zhai Lingyin was not mixed with feelings but echoed in my mind like thunder.
Dozens of spirit stars from Zhou collapsed and included two life bridges. These reiki all poured into Zhailing body crazily.
When it was less than 12 breath, it poured into Zhailing body, but it only made Zhai Ling condense out two spirit stars, which was too little compared with what Anshan brought to Zhailing.
Can also blame this guy Zhou know covet to enjoy your end don’t put the science of uniting the rest assured condensed by the psionic quality is too low.
Looking at Zhou’s corpse turned into a mass of powder, Zhai Ling got up and went to the man’s side. This guy also did a lot of bad things with Zhou’s side, and there are nearly 100 koo lives in his hand. Zhai Ling naturally won’t let him go
"Is the third floor of the foundation period? Forget it. Mosquitoes are meat no matter how small they are. "Zhai Ling is no longer a pity that he will start working again without saying anything.
After fifteen breath, Zhai Ling handled the scene without leaving a trace, and then the whole person quietly left like a ghost.
In a short time, Zhou’s family will never find out where Zhou died. Zhai Ling can also kill more wicked people from Zhou’s family during this time.
Hei Hu gang headquarters is located in the western suburbs, which is not far from here.
Looking around is a villa group, surrounded by more than a dozen knife guards, with cold eyes scanning the nearby area.
In the dark, a black shadow suddenly flashed in from one side, which was just the moment when the shadow trail of those guards’ blind spots was not found.
Zhailing Cat went to the branch of a big tree and looked around at the villas.
"According to Zhou, there are people living in Hei Hu. No wonder so many dark eyes are arranged." Zhai Ling’s eyes moved from a big tree in the distance to a pile of grass that can sink into people’s waist fifty meters away.
Fortunately, Zhai Ling rushed in without such a big stab, otherwise some dark guards hiding around here would have really found him.
However, if Zhai Ling wants to go in, he needs more means.
Looking back, Zhai Ling suddenly had a black dagger in his right hand. The whole person looked at the three people in the nearby grass and then quietly hid from the tree and touched it in the dark.
Three faces are tattooed with camouflage, and the whole person is prone to the ground and tries to open his eyes and look at the road.
Still can’t resist a guard yawned.
One of the "Attention Points of the Second Artillery Corps" looked back and gave Hachette a low drink a way.
"Know the boss" On the surface, this second artillery is an attitude of admitting mistakes, but in fact, in my heart, it is very rude to this boss. "This guy knows that there has been an accident for such a long time? Don’t you just give me a kiss? It’s really puzzling. "
Since the villa group was built, their whole team has been lurking in these dark places for more than a year. They come every night and are more diligent than visiting the kiln, but nothing has happened. Even a wild boar has not broken in. Many brothers feel that the birds have faded out.
Captain natural don’t know the second artillery idea continue to lie prone to look at the road situation abrupt ankle met something but didn’t think it was the second artillery and disturbing immediately frowned.
"Second Artillery, what are you doing?" The captain lowered his bass and turned around angrily.
Is suddenly face a change a shadow directly over.
All three of them fainted in an instant.
Zhai Ling, the three spiritual practitioners, also intends to treat them with such a low level that it is estimated that those wicked people can do bad things.
Zhai Ling hid in the grass and looked at the route he had just come to and then looked around for more than two hundred meters. The spirit suddenly enveloped him.
Ok, there are many big trees here, and Zhai Ling is quite far from the tree where the dark guards are hiding at the moment, which is a lot of comfort.
See the eye villa Zhai Ling corners of the mouth become warped lurking in the past.
Hei Hu helped build villas here for those members of the construction period, and Zhai Ling also saved thousands of people the trouble of finding the wicked in the construction period.
Into the house, Zhai Ling immediately heard a gasp from the building, and when he picked Zhai Ling, he lurked in the past.
With the door left unlocked, Zhai Ling happened to see a young woman riding with a golden tiger fat on her back and walked in with a wide mouth.
Fat a face of evil smile looked at the young woman milli cherish meaning.
A moment later, I was fat. When I was sprinting, the young woman’s eyes suddenly filled with horror. Fat looked up and looked proud, but suddenly I saw a figure reflected in the young woman’s eyes.
Suddenly frightened!
I didn’t come to say a word because of the golden tiger fat root tattooed on my back.
A blood arrow floated out of the fat and the whole person lost consciousness.
And Zhai Ling didn’t want to kill the young woman. She knocked herself unconscious and threw it to one side, and then gathered around the fat side to make instant efforts.
After fifteen breath, five spiritual stars condensed out. Zhai Ling jumped up from the ground and went to the window to see the layout around his eyes, then got up and went to a villa.
This is a golden opportunity. How can Zhai Ling give up an opportunity to improve his strength?
A flicker came to the second villa.
The owner of this second villa is a chubby middle-aged man in vain. Zhai Ling hesitated at first. This guy doesn’t look like a villain, but he found the villa in a warehouse filled with more than 100 girls’ heads.
Zhai Ling a face of surprise, but he didn’t expect this guy to grow fat in vain, but he was a man with a face and a beast. An anger suddenly filled my heart.

"Well, what is this? !” Zhou Xiaolong asked

"If you’re not having your period, is there something weird in this water?" Bai Mo took a white look at Zhou Xiaolong
"Uh, Uncle, you’re a real joke."
"Just now, I flew around here, feeling that this hot spring villa is full of yin, either ghosts or monsters, so I had to fly in to find you. It seems that our uncle and nephew should check it out."
"How to check?" Zhou Xiaolong asked with puzzle
Bai Mo floated on the water like a duck. The water turned several times to find a suitable position and then put the whole bare tail into the water.
"ShiShu you want eggs? !”
The fat bird took a deep breath and blushed. Soon, several white water bubbles appeared on the surface of the water.
As soon as this bubble surfaced, it burst instantly, and a stench came. Zhou Xiaolong immediately retreated and raised his hand to cover his nose.
Bai Mo silently read a spell and saw that the stench turned into a white arrow shape in the process of floating. See Zhou Xiaolong dumbfounded!
"Holy cow!" Zhou Xiaolong was very surprised and forgot to stink. He hurriedly asked, "Uncle, God, is there such a magical trick? ? ? ! ! !”
"Hey, hey," Bai Mo smiled awkwardly and explained, "Look for ghosts through the cycle of grain."
"Can Uncle Bai teach me?"
"Ahem, this belongs to the most mysterious dragon. Your mana is limited. Now I teach you that you can’t learn to walk and follow the arrow. Let’s go and have a look!"
Bai Mo flapped little wings’s whole body and emerged from the water. Then she shivered and got rid of the body. The water was not like a drowned rat. It still looked like a very bright hen.
Zhou Xiaolong towel hugged his body and got up from the pool. One person and one bird followed the direction of the arrow in front.
There is a lot of pool water vapor here, and many eyes can’t see the distant road clearly, so the arrow leading the way doesn’t show that Zhou Xiaolong is good at following Bai Mo all the way.
Because of too much steam, Bai Mo was not so conspicuous in the middle of the flight, but it also served as a cover for him to soak in the hot springs in the pool, and the guests could not see Bai Mo.
Hot spring water flows from a rockery and winds through many hot spring pools. The terrain here is quite complicated.
According to the white arrow, Bai Mo took Zhou Xiaolong all the way across the artificial bridge and running water until a wooden house appeared behind the rockery.
That fart turned into an arrow and suddenly got into the crack of the cabin door and disappeared.
The wooden house in front of us is not very big, nor is it a sightseeing facility, because the words "No admittance" are written on the face.
There are many thick pipes on the roof of the cabin. It seems that this cabin is the water temperature control room of the whole hot spring.
The door of the control room is closed, and outsiders can’t open it, but there should be someone on duty inside, and it’s not good for Zhou Xiaolong and Bai Mo to break into houses.
"How to do ShiShu? !” Zhou Xiaolong asked
"Let’s think about it." Bai Mo turned his eyes to his heart. "Xiaolong, there is a vent on the roof of the cabin. I’ll try and see if I can get in."
"ShiShu be careful you are so fat don’t card inside! ! !”
"Lying trough don’t talk nobody when you are dumb! ! !”
The vent Zhou Xiaolong can also see that it is not much bigger than the chimney mouth. It is hard to say whether Bai Mo is so huge and can get in.
However, this fat bird seems to shrink its bones and work hard, but it really got in and did nothing.
Then the fat bird Bai Mo saw the situation.
We can see that most of them are machines, gates and various thick pipes used in some computer rooms, as well as some temperature monitoring instruments and brain display screens.
Two men in gray work, one is staring at the data on the display, making one bow his head and play with his mobile phone.
This is not a boiler room, but the whole hot spring control center. It feels normal and no different.
However, Bai Mo soon found an abnormal place because there was a hidden place in the cabin with a small door left unlocked.
Bai Mo walked sideways to the door and walked through the side door. He saw a huge glass jar next to the wall in the control room.
A big glass jar is like a boiler, or it may be a mixing pool with raw materials, where a big red bug is suspended! ! !
It looks like a giant spider with a strange face on its abdomen.
This kind of spider Bai Mo read in ancient books a long time ago. It seems to be called "Spider with Face" in the abyss of life.
Because of soaking for too long, Okumo’s epidermis is wrinkled and more swollen and disgusting
There are many pipes around, pouring some liquids and raw materials into this glass jar. I think it should be mixed with hot spring water and sulfur.
Okumo’s claws will move when the water passes by. Obviously, the spider is still alive all the year round and hasn’t been scalded to death in the water. !
Rao is Bai Mo’s weather-beaten moment, and he was too stunned to say anything.
This strange scene makes people numb, and an evil smell matches the atmosphere of this room very well.
Bai Mo, afraid that he was exposed to startle, quickly left the small room and forced himself out of the vent.
Zhou Xiaolong saw the white ink fly out and was about to ask about the situation inside, but at this moment his shoulder was suddenly slapped.
Chapter 14 Chest and brain
Shit! ! !
Zhou Xiaolong felt that he was discovered by the people behind him. He was stiff and immediately heard a faint voice behind someone saying, "Hey, why are you here? !”
Zhou Xiaolong looked back and was shocked. The man behind him was scratching his uncle.
I saw Bai Mo, a fat bird in Xia Xue’s house before scratching my uncle. Fortunately, he was not too nervous. This fat bird is a pet in Xia Xue’s house.
Xiao-long zhou nao nao head to ask "scratch uncle how do you also come here? !”
Uncle scratch obviously doesn’t want to talk about his own affairs. "Yes, I’m here to meet a friend. Aren’t you just in the bar? How can this bird come in together?" !”
Zhou Xiaolong was a little guilty. Uh-huh. After saying a few words, he wanted to get out of here quickly and asked where to wash his hands.
Scratched uncle pointed to the east direction, then explained in good faith that this is the workers’ area, and there is a warning sign in front of the computer room. It is wet here and it is best not to approach it.
Will scratch uncle cheat in the past Zhou Xiaolong and Bai Mo despondently entered the washing hands and looked out from the crack of the door to scratch uncle bypassed the cabin furtively and went in.
"Tete is so scary that there is such a big spider." Bai Mo fell on Zhou Xiaolong’s shoulder while gesticulating.
"ShiShu you mean that there are spiders in the cabin? !” Zhou Xiaolong asked

"… last season, when he often came to Rome, he put forward his own tactical ideas and requirements. Then he hoped that the whole team would do as he asked, but Chang and his team met with heavy resistance when implementing this plan within the team. Why? Because many players in Rome don’t accept this high-intensity training mode, they think this training plan, which is 30% higher than the average training intensity of Italian teams, is meaningless. This is a collision of ideas, and often there is no retrogression. Even if Totti stands up to speak for his teammates, he often chooses to stick to it … What is the result? Everyone already knows it and often leaves. Went to Lazio with his set of things. So half a season later, we saw Lazio with a constant brand, they ranked second in the league, and in the Rome derby, they beat their rivals with six goals! "

"This game is very telling, that is, the contest between Roma who chose to abandon the routine and Lazio who chose to accept the routine. During the game, we can clearly see that Lazio players are full of energy, active in running, fast in running and passing, and the overall rhythm is very fast. On the other hand, Rome, on the whole, is slow and still playing outdated tactics. Driven by Lazio players’ abundant physical fitness, the players can only follow their toes, but they have no advantage in physical fitness, so soon, they began to lose track of Lazio’s rhythm … In fact, many goals conceded in this game in Rome were in the second half of the game. At that time, the whole team in Rome could not run, and their physical fitness collapsed, so naturally they could only be slaughtered … "
"This Rome derby is not so much a victory of Lazio as a victory of the usual football concept. He emphasizes physical fitness and running, which is totally contrary to the previous idea of standing and playing football. Admittedly, this tactic requires more physical fitness for the players, but the effect is very good-people who don’t understand will know it by looking at this Rome derby. This is the conflict between the new concept and the old concept. The final result is that the new concept wins completely, and the new concept is abandoned. Rome, which chose the old concept, can only watch Lazio with the new concept go further and higher this season … Sensi said he has no regrets? He just said yes? Who believes it? Anyway, I don’t believe it … "
This is just a fragment of this article, which uses a lot of data to analyze and prove why Lazio can win six goals in Rome, while Rome is beaten like a dead dog and has no ability to fight back.
In the end, it fell into the conflict between the new concept of constant victory and the old concept of Rome.
Such critical articles are more difficult for Totti to accept than those that only spit feces.
Because what people say is well-founded, regardless of whether it is true or not, at the very least, this kind of article looks very professional and powerful, which makes people feel like "I don’t understand what I’m talking about, but it’s amazing" …
What’s more, after carefully reading this article, Totti vaguely felt that the other party was right.
At the beginning, winning in Rome for more than five months didn’t have the impact of this game …
Maybe at that time, he always resisted winning from the heart, and never really looked at his so-called tactics …
He only knew that his old buddies didn’t like that set of things, so he came to him. As the captain of the team, he naturally wanted to stand up for them.
So …
He never thought that the ever-winning set of things would bring any changes or benefits to Rome.
When Chang Sheng left Rome, he didn’t even think about it.
Changsheng is like a passer-by in Rome, who left before leaving his mark.
After he left, Totti didn’t think about him again.
But unexpectedly, Changsheng went to Lazio and left a deep mark on Rome in another way!
He swept Rome with something that had been resisted by Rome … Is there anything more ironic in the world?
After this game, Totti will also think, if Changsheng stays in Rome and his things are used in Rome, what will Rome look like now?
Unfortunately, Totti can only think about it, because Changsheng will never be the head coach of Rome again, and a team alone has become a deadly enemy.
You can’t untie this knot if you tie it.
Totti can only think about this possibility in his mind, which is absolutely impossible in reality.
What may happen in reality is that Rome was scored six goals by Lazio at home …
Although Rome stubbornly said that they did not regret it, in fact, after this game, some people in their internal camp began to discuss the frequent brush with Rome.
If Changsheng had stayed in Rome, if the Rome club had given Changsheng enough patience and time, if the club had chosen Changsheng between Totti and Changsheng …
Although we all know that there are not so many ifs, we can’t help but think about it. The more we think about it, the more regrettable we feel.
So much if there is only one result in the end, that is … Constant victory will lead Rome to slaughter Lazio in this Rome city derby!
He will be a hero of Rome, not Lazio!
Now … Damn it!
Rome can only hide in the corner and lick the wound alone, listening to Lazio’s crazy voice, and it is difficult to sleep.
Lazio is really cheering.
Even the most die-hard, extreme and crazy Lazio fans couldn’t think of this city derby, and Lazio was able to sweep the city’s sworn enemies 6-0 away!
It was like dreaming, but it really happened.
From now on, the biggest difference in Rome’s derby in the same city belongs to Lazio beating Rome!
This is the eternal pride of Lazio people.
Even if we end up with nothing this season, as long as there is such a game and a record, that is enough.
Many Lazio fans who supported the winning team just because of Di Canio’s call are now prostrated at the feet of winning team.
Since Eriksson, Lazio has been waiting, and several coaches have changed, whether it is dino zoff, alberto zaccheroni, Mancini, Casso, papadopulo … these people have not let Lazio fans see hope.
The team’s performance is declining year by year, and the club is getting worse.
But maybe it’s because of luck.
After Lotito, the stingy president, came, the club’s finances improved.
Then he brought a winning streak.
The team also began to hold its head high on the court!
From now on, Lazio fans feel that maybe they can dream more and more … things that they didn’t dare to dream before.

Seriously, only when the soul has withstood hardships in desperate times and really grown up will it have the soul toughness that Duke needs, the core of the messenger.

Duke knew he was disappointed when he almost touched Khadga’s soul.
Not enough!
Not enough!
This level of soul strength Khadga is barely enough at most. In the Hui Moon Master Fur League, it is only better than Gina Jin Jian, a mage of this level, and it is even better than not taking refuge in Duke’s great astrologer Solan Lian.
Duke’s arcane energy injected into Khadga soon reached saturation. It was not impossible for Duke not to want to inject it. Even if Duke built new magic circuits in Khadga on the spot, Khadga’s soul could not bear these circuits.
Duke’s left and right eyelids were pounding at the same time.
The question now is whether Duke should choose to give up or find a new way.
Khadga was shaking violently. He knew his soul state very well. At this time, Duke almost stopped injecting magic, because he was too little before Duke’s share was as vast as the sea and as vast as the universe, and almost did his magic.
"My Lord … have I let you down?"
"I shouldn’t say I’m too eager for success." Then Duke fell into a long silence.
Element emissaries cooperate with themselves to share and rely on multiple elements to promote the demigod road. It seems that everything has to be divided into primary and secondary, and without the core, it is impossible to talk about no branches.
Basic arcane is absolutely necessary in the magic foundation, and so is the emissary of arcane elements.
Duke searched over and over again in his mind, but Khadga Duke really couldn’t think of anyone who could become the core of arcane elements.
Arcane is the foundation and the most universal one.
A guy with no brains and no talent has a heavy burden.
Be silent with anger
Suddenly Khadga moved, and he knelt down slowly, as if every detail in the slow movement was full of piety.
"My Lord, I don’t think my soul limit should stop here. I think I should have a greater possibility. If my Lord has other methods, I am willing to try it even if my soul is annihilated." Khadga gritted his teeth and looked more determined.
That’s almost a martyr look.
Several elemental emissaries around were still holding the ceremony mentality. At this moment, their expressions have changed, and there is no whispering or whispering. There is a fanatical and focused atmosphere in the air.
Duke took a deep breath and looked up for a few seconds, then looked down at Khadga "Khadga, do you know? I have been to the ancient war 10 thousand years ago. "
"heard of it"
"On that occasion, I used the power of Nozdom, the king of the time, to peek into the past and future of Azeroth … and also included you in different lines."
But when the counter-current is different and parallel, it suddenly sounds like a bleak night.
Khadga, a formal disciple of Medivh, a magical seeker who pursues the root of magic, knows far more about time than others.
Suddenly, with a wry smile, Khadga’s face was fairly straight, and he looked like he was about to cry. "Is it better than me in Khadga?"
"Not have but than brilliant! This is going to be a long story. Would you like to hear it? Khadga "
Khadga nodded heavily.
"We all have differences from the first year of the Dark Gate …" Duke’s voice became illusory, and at the same time, a wave of thoughts penetrated Khadga’s soul.
It’s a three-dimensional image of the wizard. The film is slightly hazy, just like Duke’s hazy feeling when he peeks into the long river
Khadga is deeply immersed in this seemingly illusory image that involves his fate.
As if he had highly condensed another part of his life, Khadga soon couldn’t tell where his real memory was and where Duke showed him the fate in another balanced world.
Not just watching.
Khadga is completely immersed, and he can clearly realize what he will make this decision, how he feels and how he wants to make a choice.
There is no Duke Marcus in this world …
That’s right!
Everything has changed.
It was he, Khadga, Garona and Lothar who raided Karazan in the world.
Unfortunately, the curse of Medivh also made him have the oldest wrinkled skin with white hair at a young age.
It was also him who killed Sargeras. Unfortunately, from that moment on, he became a teacher and a silent world saver.
He’ remembers’ that he was addicted to every detail of the study of door-sending magic.
He clearly’ recalled’ going to the Dark Gate and swarming again, while the orcs attacked and watched the fort. The orcs were like simple weapons to destroy human infantry battle lines, with helmets and heads, smashing people to death, with shields and arms, and cutting off half of their bodies …
He also’ personally’ decided on the plan to completely stop Naiozu’s evil, and together with Turayan, Dahners Torbern, Aurelia and kurdran, he led a Coalition composed of humans, dwarves and elves to explore the world of Delano in an attempt to hunt down Naiozu.
In the final battle of Delano, Khadga ushered in that fateful explosion.
He Youzi remembers screaming with his mouth wide open.
It happened that he tried his best to stop this terrible explosion.
Such a huge energy! It’s like a spreading flame in Yuan Ye. He’s running and burning his magic circuit, which makes his senses almost unbearable …
Then everything fell silent.
Soon he changed from a participant to a third-person observer.
He, Khadga, is regarded as a statue of the Valley of the King of Storm City, the five heroes of the Dark Gate.
"I … am a hero! ?”
Chapter 129 I don’t root.
A’ history’ as if from another world evoke all that long-forgotten memories in Khadga’s heart.
At one time, he had many teenage dreams, dreaming that he was a great hero to save the world, dreaming that he would become the greatest mage and go down in history.
His parents sent him to Dalaran to be trained and taught him this. When his talent was activated, he went to Medivh Gate and looked forward to this.
Goals are different from dreams.
The goal can be achieved through hard work and time.
But dreams are higher and farther away.
Suddenly, I was told that I was a hero in another Azeroth world.
At one time, all the vanity of the dream department, even the feeling of occasional chest hole, was filled in an instant
The long-lost feeling in the soul seems to be awakened.
"So … I can be so strong and admired …?"
This feeling is really wonderful, but for a moment Khadga suddenly woke up.

What a crazy tone Queyi’s eyebrows are about to start work as soon as they stand. It’s Gong Qixian and Liu Xuan who pulled Queyi one step at a time. When Liu Xuan saw Gong Qi’s head, he didn’t speak. The big man came near in three steps and two steps. When he saw Gong Jinglan and Avril Lavigne, he couldn’t help but be stunned for a long time before he took back his color image. "I changed my mind and asked these two little girls to stay with me for one night, and I will let you go."

Gong Qi stepped in front of the big fellow directly. "We are from North Xuanfu. We have something to do in the eastern suburbs. We don’t know if we can bend the rules."
The big fellow was also stimulated by the blood ShaQi of Bow Qi. He frowned and looked at Bow Qi, but now he couldn’t see the depth of Bow Qi. "There is nothing wrong with the original, but I heard that someone is doing something on our ship. If you really want to go there, you will leave the troublemaker to the Jiaodong government to lead people."
Queyi was more than I could bear to suddenly point to the big fellow’s nose. "Fart is your rude remarks, but I just help you learn a lesson."
The big fellow grimaced. "Our family has its own family discipline. Where do you get this male, female and male discipline?"
Liu Xuan was relieved to know about it. Although he was not familiar with Queyi, he also heard that Queyi’s anger could not be suppressed when people said that he was not a man or a woman because he was too soft.
Sure enough, as Liu Xuan expected, a white light has hit the big fellow Queyi, and he is not a fool. Of course, it can be seen that this big fellow should be a martial artist with less means, so he should not say that the move is a trick. The trick can be made like Liu Xuan’s boat, but it often takes several tricks to stimulate when the speed of the trick is too slow, but Fu Yong does not agree that it can be stimulated if it takes a trick.
That big fellow also whistled and shot out directly. When his wrist turned over, a circular shield had been blocked. He and the white light heard a spark and actually attacked Queyi.
Bow and open your eyes. "Spiritual practice?" This is a big surprise to everyone. I can’t believe that this corner of the eastern suburbs is even a spiritual practice after watching the ferry.
Everyone was shocked by the big fellow, but no matter when these people were still going backwards, they waved their hands fiercely. Two cold lights pointed out that Queyi was about to make moves, and suddenly a big black net came over.
The boatman’s head is not simple to see that Liuxuan wants to rescue him with a harpoon handle and a strange smile. "Leave it for me" jumped at Liuxuan.
But for a moment, three men were attacked, and four or five boatmen were holding harpoons and grinning at two women.
To tell the truth, at this moment, even Liu Xuan was very impressed. The attack was like being ready for a long time, so skilled that five people were in trouble in an instant.
37. Rolling
PS is really unwell these days. Drinking with friends by the lake a few days ago was originally my favorite situation. A few relatives and friends often don’t know whether it’s a gastrointestinal cold or gastroenteritis. When I got home, I felt that my bones were broken and I didn’t recover for several days. I’m really sorry for everyone. I was still worried that I would have a recommendation this week, but I didn’t come too soon. It should be gone. I just rushed to get more manuscripts so that the recommendation broke out. I recently considered whether to write a supporting role, because I thought of a rather bloody story. Finally, I covered my face and asked for a recommendation ticket
I’m afraid it would be a success to change to an ordinary family team or a government official, but they just met a spiritual team with five people, which they never imagined.
If all five people are ordinary spiritual practitioners, it’s just that even if they are not destroyed, several people can be seriously injured. When the time comes, they may not have no chance of winning, but it happened that two of these five people are particularly good at fighting, that is Liu Xuan and Gong Qi.
When Gong Qi saw each other’s sudden retreat, he immediately felt that he didn’t treat each other with a big black net. When he got up, Gong Qi had jumped out of the circle and turned to look at the two women’s directions. They were all small fish and shrimps, and they couldn’t hurt the little witch. The little witch fought in Yanbei Xiuxue College, and there was a Gongsun Jinglan on the side.
As soon as Liu Xuan took the battle, he didn’t move his gun behind him. The spear gun was a slight lunge, waiting for the harpoon foreman to go to the crowd and suddenly burst into a hole in the heart of the foreman. The great power directly made the foreman kick out and fly ten feet away. After landing, he didn’t know whether he was dead or alive.
Just when the big fellow came over, Gong Sunjinglan was already ready for the operation. The Xuan’s younger brother’s vigilance was also extremely high. When the opponent Gong Sunjinglan raised his hand, a fire wall directly separated several boatmen from the two of them, and a white light directly shot a boatman through the fire wall.
The only change is Queyi’s weakness, but the other side’s attack is too strong. When Queyi saw two cold lights flying at him, he suddenly sneered one after another. It was Dao Fuzuo who lit a soft white light in his hand, and Queyi was wrapped in cold light and flew close to Queyi’s face. "Broken arrow?"
These two cold lights turned out to be two broken arrows. At this time, Queyi couldn’t come if he wanted to return. There was a yellow light in a hurry, which just blocked the aim at Queyi’s chest. One Peng smashed Queyi’s shield in the middle of his thigh.
Broken spirit arrow strength is actually directly to Queyi nailed to the ground.
At this time, Gong Qi has already met Fang Guhan. This guy turned out to be an intermediate spiritual practitioner. Although he was suppressed by Gong Qi, he will not be defeated at the moment.
It seems that Liu Xuan’s squad has occupied the wind in an instant, otherwise the other side has two archers, each of whom has the ability to kill spirituality.
The spirit-breaking arrow is the most common means for ordinary people to deal with spiritual practice. It is generally controlled by military ranks and rarely flows into the secular world. It seems that the archer who breaks the spirit with the roots of the Fang family and the military is equivalent to a child with a pistol. Although he is weak and can bully him, he also has the ability to kill most people.
After Liu Xuan kicked the foreman, he moved horizontally several times in a row to see the position of a bowman. As soon as he copied his hand, he took the rune ware behind his back. The gunpowder was already packed with Liu Xuan, and he directly filled a steel ball into it. He got up and held the gun, and the bowman was puzzled. He heard a gunshot and hid it in the opposite tree. A bowman’s head exploded directly.
Liu Xuan moves horizontally, reloads, raises his gun and shoots at the same time, which is not as skillful as a novice who makes rune ware for the first time. The ware gun is like a part of Liu Xuan’s own body.
After the killing, all the people didn’t react. Liu Xuan made a copy of the rune ware with one hand and rushed towards a big tree. There was also an archer. This archer was not a layman facing Liu Xuan, but one of the two arrows was attached to Liu Xuan’s cheek to draw a broken arrow. The arrow front drew a bloody mouth on Liu Xuan’s cheek, but before he could make a move, Liu Xuan had come to the tree and raised his hand with a cold light. The archer raised a blood arrow on his chest and slowly fell from the tree.
This is another stunt of Liu Xuan’s flying knife stunt. The ware shooting and flying knife stunt are all skills that Liu Xuan has not practiced, but it seems that he is born with a weapon and can use it naturally.
As soon as the rest of the boatmen saw that they were scared and scattered, there was only one spiritual man left in the venue. He didn’t know that the spiritual man, the foreman of life and death, had also been defeated by Gong Qi. How could this pampered spiritual practice in the middle order be compared with Gong Qi’s spiritual practice in the peak of the battle-hardened period?
However, after several rounds, he was chopped off by Gong Qi’s sword and combating Dao, and the big fellow’s face turned white immediately. He really didn’t expect that the other party turned out to be five spiritual practices and the strength was so strong. If he had known that Gong Qi’s combating Dao wouldn’t be delusional at all, he would have just knelt down and begged for mercy at once.
Gong Qi took a look at the little devil. After all, he is protecting Ariel. The details depend on Ariel’s meaning.
Queyi is very feminine, but her personality is really masculine. She is not only grumpy, but also has a lot of backbone. Although she was almost shot off her leg, she still stood up.
When the dust settled, he pointed at the yellow light in front of him, and a small tortoise shell was taken back from his hand. When his wrist turned again, the tortoise shell disappeared, and Liu Xuan couldn’t help sighing that a family brother was really extravagant. This Queyi just had a bag and a spirit to protect himself.
It seems that Queyi has not been repaired in the past three years, and he should have done a lot of work. He can handle the wound by himself. The broken spirit arrow is so powerful that it not only penetrated Queyi’s protective cover, but it was also a good thing that his thighs were scored. Otherwise, it would be very troublesome to deal with it.
Queyi took out a small silver knife, first cut off the tip of the arrow and then pulled out the shaft of the arrow. Otherwise, if the arrow is still barbed, the wound will be torn bigger. When dealing with the arrow wound, I am afraid that the arrow will sink into the meat. In that case, I need a knife to cut the muscle. Otherwise, if I pull it hard, I will definitely pull a large piece of meat, and the pain will make my life miserable.
Then I took some hemostatic drugs and vomited a pill. Look at the pill. It’s like a dispersing pill. Liu Xuan couldn’t help but fantasize. It seems that these rich brothers are no better than themselves.
Ariel came to Gongqi and the big fellow with her hands on her back and took the combating Dao from Gongqi, just like that, the big fellow’s neck was scared bit by bit and the big fellow was sweating.
The little witch suddenly found her head and mouth close to the big man’s ear. "You must not know who I am, right?"
The big fellow nodded repeatedly.
"Do you really want to know?"
The big fellow nodded again and then suddenly thought of something and shook his head again and again.
The little witch doesn’t care about him and simply says, "My name is Ariel, I’m Princess Tuyuhun, and my uncle is King Annan Li Yongxing."
Bare-armed man’s eyes suddenly widened as if he thought of something. Ellie kept cracking her head and shouting "Princess for mercy" in her mouth.
The little witch laughed more and more evil. Liu Xuan seemed to see two fangs at the corner of her mouth.
"I should have punished your family, but the princess is not in a good mood today."
Hearing this, the red-armed man hurriedly kowtowed to Princess Xie, but the little devil suddenly held the combating Dao in his hands and raised it high and chopped it directly. The red-armed man was killed by Ariel without even a chance to react. Although he was a little girl, Avril’s strength was not small. The big man’s head was cut off by Avril for half of his body, and blood and dirt flowed all over the floor.
GongSunJingLan scared-she never expected Ariel to be so fierce. It seems that the title of this little witch is really not in vain.
Ariel threw a handkerchief at the big man with bare arms by taking out a handkerchief to wipe the spilled blood. "But you can’t forgive."
"Just go directly to save a moment to find trouble again. I want to bypass the front pass, which is not far from Jiaolong Peak." Talking, Ellie raised her hand and pointed to a pass not far away.
A few of them didn’t speak, quietly packed their things, and bowed their swords. First, they went to the big fellow and looked around to make sure there was nothing valuable. Then they came to the foreman who was trampled by Liu Xuan and made up a knife. When they walked past Liu Xuan, they whispered, "You are very good."
Liuxuan’s eyes narrowed involuntarily. There is no simple Ariel. Although she has a bad temper, Queyi is also ruthless. So the weakest person in this line is Gongsunjinglan. Although Ariel bites a teacher elder sister, Liuxuan believes that if there is a treasure, Ariel will never be soft-hearted to Gongsunjinglan.
Ariel’s coachman is also a servant of his own family. He also planned to help during the battle just now, but they didn’t come because the battle was over too soon.
According to Ariel’s guidance, several people gradually walked into the barren hills. At last, the carriage was no longer accessible. It was nothing for a few people to walk on foot and have martial arts skills to cross such mountains.
Drifting away, not only the crocodile Lanjiang was thrown away more and more, but also the carriage at the foot of the mountain disappeared from everyone’s sight.
Bowing and opening the road in front of Liu Xuan and breaking the back, Queyi stayed in the team because of injury. After just fighting, the five people’s original grievances also dissipated, and Liu Xuan and Queyi’s impression of each other also changed greatly.
According to Ariel, I’m afraid I have to walk for a day or two to get to Jiaolong Peak. Suddenly, when I raised my hand, the whole team stopped. Ariel hurriedly asked Gongqi that it was uncomfortable to say nothing, shook his head and turned his head to Liu Xuan.
Liuxuan swept around "too quiet, quiet and terrible, this situation is not normal"
"It’s usually so quiet when there is death." Gong Qi coldly replied.
3. Primary monster beast
At this time, a mountain wind blew, and there was a faint smell in the wind.
"It’s a beast." Liu Xuan suddenly came to this sentence. When he was a child, he had hunting experience and had encountered leopards, wolves and beasts. This situation is very similar.
Gong Qi nervously looked around. "I’m afraid it’s not an ordinary beast. It’s probably a monster beast."
Now, the strength of a five-person team, if there is really a bear, tiger and beast, they really don’t trust that it is not difficult for a person to deal with such a beast. Of course, it means that the main entrance meets, but five people are different, but if it is a real monster beast, it is very dangerous. Even if the lowest monster beast is interested in the dynamic strength, it is definitely not the opponent of the initial monster beast.
The bow is so nervous. If it’s a real monster beast, some powerful monsters have the ability to kill instantly and spiritually.
Now I finally know why it’s so quiet. His animal roots dare not stay, even flying birds or reptiles.
Everyone looked at Ariel. After all, she was the leader this time. Ariel was also very confused. This kind of thing was of course very unexpected to her. Although she had heard that there were monster beasts near Jiaolong Peak, she came with Jiang’s female xiu at one time and another. These monster beasts were very sensitive and found that the gas condensation level breath had long been far away. Of course, they would not find any monster beasts. Even if they found Jiang’s female xiu’s pride, they would not pay attention.
This is a bitter five-person squad, but it is very subtle for them to face it. Although it is certain that if five people join hands, they will not be afraid of the monster beast, but what is the most afraid of is the sneak attack of the monster beast? What if the monster beast is not one?
This kind of accident is likely to be the most feared by the five-person team.
Probably saw that everyone was worried that Liuxuan volunteered to scout ahead. After all, he had worked as a hunter and had some experience in the jungle.
In this way, the four of them get together in front of Liuxuan, which greatly reduces the danger of being attacked by sneak attack. Of course, Liuxuan is the most dangerous if he misses the road.
Liuxuan will directly copy the rune ware with a steel bullet in his hand and turn over the bayonet, which will lead him to the direction of Ariel’s finger.
When Liu Xuan showed this gesture, the surrounding environment was surprisingly integrated. If they hadn’t been watching Liu Xuan all the time, they would have lost Liu Xuan’s figure. Liu Xuan was a few people who jumped into the sky. According to the previous agreement, if the monster beast Liu Xuan was not found, they would have been moving forward, and they would have been following up. If the monster beast was found to be able to get rid of it, Liu Xuan would have retreated. If Liu Xuan was found, he would give them a signal, and they would quickly follow up.
It’s very quiet in the jungle, and you can hear the fishy smell in the footsteps of four people, which has been depressing everyone’s hearts like a stone.
All of a sudden, the mountain wind changed, and even a little bit of bloody taste roared into the ears of all people. A few people were puzzled by a squeak. This is Liuxuan’s warning, which means that Liuxuan has discovered the monster beast but has not been discovered by it.
But the monster beast roar is more and more urgent, although the people are far away from it, it seems that they feel the ground trembling slightly. By feeling, they also know that the monster beast is fighting. A few people hurriedly move forward so far that Liu Xuanfu is behind a big bluestone. Liu Xuanxiang also found four people hurriedly holding up one hand and gesturing for the people to slowly approach.
Wait for four people to climb to the position of Liuxuan softly and look into the distance along the side of the big bluestone. There is a hillside at the foot of the slope. There is a stream around the stream. I don’t know if it is because the mountain torrents are relatively deserted. Two behemoths are constantly growling in the confrontation. It should be that just now they heard that it turned out to be a giant bear with a silver back. From a distance, it feels bigger than a huge one. It is estimated that this guy is two times smaller than ordinary wild bears, and his eyes are flashing with green light. At first glance, it is not an ordinary beast.
However, the guy opposite him is even more amazing. It is a colorful snake. What do you mean it is a snake instead of a python? Although people say that snakes are big as pythons, they are not. Although pythons are huge, their attack methods are mainly to entangle their prey and strangle it. Most poisonous snakes have anterior or posterior teeth that can secrete nerve venom. By attacking their prey, they inject venom into their prey, and some snake venom can be sprayed. There was a precedent that cobras blinded lions.

Fu Yunyi said coldly, "Even if you helped me the other day, I would appreciate it, but if you are too unreasonable, I would rather carry an ungrateful name and Marie."

Zhou Hanhan looked at the warmth again. "What do you mean?"
Warm don’t even want to say "I listen to my brother"
The words "light" seem to be hard, but the needle sticks around his heart, wrinkling his eyebrows and grinding his teeth severely. "It’s a real brotherhood. God and God have a good tolerance."
This is sarcasm. I don’t know if I’m jealous. People are so loving. Didn’t you hit him in the face?
As a result, longing is very calm and says "thank you"
Zhou hanhan "
Once again, the atmosphere is frozen and warm, and the depression in my heart is as cool as possible. "Is there anything else for the Duke of Zhou? If not."
Zhou Hanhan interrupted "Of course!"
Zhou Hanhan took a deep breath. "Didn’t you just say that I would be grateful for your help? It’s not too much for me to ask for a meal with me, is it?"
It’s really not too much
Around is Fu Yunyi again don’t want to also could not object.
So the original to leave a few people are back in place to sit but Zhong Hanlin and Wu didn’t dare to sit behind the warmth and stand beside Zhou Hanhan silently watching things progress.
In accordance with the warmth, it means that she wants to withdraw the desktop dishes and get a new one. This is her sincere thanks for inviting each other to dinner. But Zhou Hanhan actually refused and didn’t dislike the dishes. It’s strange that he didn’t put on those once exquisite dishes. Isn’t he a serious cleanliness? No matter where he goes, he has to be disinfected in advance. Why now?
Fu Yunyi directly asked, "Is Duke Zhou finally informal?"
If this is said by a good person, it is ridicule, and it is absolutely mockery for a rival in love.
Zhou Hanhan didn’t get annoyed. He took Zhong Hanlin and handed me new chopsticks. It’s natural to pick up a dish at the moment. "This is me."
Smell speech Fu Yunyi sharp line of sight immediately blunt Zhong Hanlin shot past it was premeditated.
Zhong Hanlin bowed his head and pretended to be dead. Now he doesn’t have a say
Well, he’s more guilty.
On the desktop, he was eating alone for a week, and he didn’t feel uncomfortable. It was elegant to eat, but Wu felt sad. After ten minutes, he put chopsticks and took a paper towel to wipe his mouth at will and then said, "Hanlin, wait outside."
Zhong Hanlin was surprised "male"
There is no doubt that "go out and wait"
Zhong Hanlin walked out with his head down.
Seeing the warmth, he also said, "Wu, you, Fu Feng and Fu Yu should also get something to eat. Come and pick me up later."
"yes, miss"
Four people are away from the back door. Zhou Hanhan said, "Hanlin and Zhong Jia are two different things."
I didn’t expect him to come straight to the point, but she was very willing that he could get down to business instead of nodding his head. She accepted this statement for nothing.
Zhou Hanhan said in a complicated way, "I know your identity. To be honest, I am surprised. I can guess the reason why you came to the imperial city for your debut, but" he paused. "You are too dangerous. You are a threat to some people even if you are not competitive."
"What? Should I hide and never see anyone again? "
Weeks not cold silent for a moment "of course not"
"Then what?"
"There’s nothing wrong with you. If they refuse to let you go, that’s their problem. Be more careful and I’ll protect you even if you don’t need it." Zhou Hanhan’s affection is obvious in this sentence.
Warm but can also play dumb "thank you"
Today, the two watch released together.
☆ Chapter III Guarding Together
She played dumb and fully distracted, just like a huge bottom hole. No matter how much kindness Zhou Han poured in, she could not get any response.
If the average person also damn heart.
Even a proud man like him, who never knows how to refuse things, should let go with his pride, but he just can’t. He feels like a serious patient with masochism.
The more she loves him, the more difficult it is for him to extricate himself. Even if he is trampled on by her, he will be happy.
Zhou Hanhan’s self-mockery evokes his lip angle, which is like saying to her and talking to himself. "You don’t thank me, and you don’t need your gratitude. You either reject me or become grateful to me."
In this way, his whole body is filled with a way to dispel melancholy and sadness, which makes him more attractive.
Warm and frowning lightly, Fu Yunyi was about to say something. He had already taken the message, "Will the Duke of Zhou’s love for my warm son be repaid if I come?"
Zhou Hanhan looked at him and narrowed his eyes. "Are you coming back?"
Fu Yunyi looked calm. "Come to me and pay me back. Although I don’t have the great cause of the Duke of Zhou, I can give it to the Duke of Zhou if I can have it."
I am also fascinated. "And I, Duke Zhou, will do my best if I need it."
Both of them are posing as escorts. She is willing to sacrifice everything. If she moves the screen, she can definitely capture a vote and move her tears. She is sad and angry in Zhou Hanhan’s eyes.
He squeezed out the word "no need"
Then, after a moment’s silence, I added, "I am willing to treat her regardless, and I don’t need you to accept my kindness, let alone you. If you really want to return it, can you give her to me?"
This words a Fu Yunyi expression suddenly cold to "you finally say this sentence"
Zhou Hanhan laughed derisively. "Don’t you know if I don’t tell you?"
Looking forward to being cool and waking up, "Zhou Gong’s friends and wives should not be bullied."
Zhou Hanhan looked at the warmth. "I know my fair lady, my gentleman."
Fu Yunyi sneered, "It’s a pity that Xiang Wang is a goddess and Zhou Gong isn’t stalking and hitting people, is he?"
Zhou Hanhan said lazily, "It’s very important for a martyr to be afraid of being pestered by a lang, isn’t it?"
"Duke Zhou is declaring war?"
"I think she deserves it!"
The three men are arguing with each other, and the hostess seems to be proud, proud and warm. She feels that her head is getting involved and she is afraid that it will get more and more chaotic. She can choose to cut it off and get up. "I’m a little tired and want to go back."
Smell speech Zhou Hanhan looked at his watch. "It’s just a little. Are you in such a hurry to leave?"
"Well, flying is hard." Warm without emotional explanation
"There are hot springs here to relieve fatigue. I’d better let someone take you there." Zhou Hanhan was reluctant to let her go, even if she violated her pride, she tried to stay.
Warm refusal "Thank you, but not another day"
Section 49
"But I still have some things I want to talk to Fu Shao." Seeing her armed slack can strike Zhou from Fu Yunyi.
Do you know if he retired to Fu Yunyi or can’t help but ask, "What is it?"
It’s better to really keep him, otherwise this excuse will seem childish.
Zhou Hanhan said, "I brought the gun back from the attack a few days ago. I have studied some experiences and found out some interesting things that I want to share with Fu Shao. I wonder if you are interested?"
This excuse is just right.

Tears vaguely with blood.

Lu Changyuan is very painful, but his body hurts more than it hurts.
"Teacher younger brother, I was wrong. I shouldn’t have hurt you over and over again, made you feel uncomfortable and made you cry. I know I was wrong."
"Don’t leave again, please."
Liu Changyuan smiled with tears in his eyes. "I will die if you leave, teacher younger brother. I really will die …"
He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of losing his younger brother. If he does not meet each other in this life, he will die.
Not long ago, after he disposed of Liu Yuan Bai, he thought of various ways to make people happy with joy.
Thinking about what to do, he and his wife have been loving each other since then.
It happened that his enthusiasm was extinguished by a pot of cold water when he saw Xiao Jing.
Lu Changyuan won’t forget that when he stepped into the chamber of secrets, he was more familiar with people in front of him, but he was not here
Or this is a shell.
The puppet pretends to be even the same in expression and tone, but he just knows that it is a shell without a soul.
At that moment, Lu Changyuan was in a panic. He had tasted fear and flooded his heart again.
After Xiao Jing jumped off the cliff, Lu Changyuan watched a body and looked around for his spirit in the boundless waiting.
I also broke through the world barriers and went to a strange world.
Lu Changyuan’s heart is like a mirror. He knows that there is an invisible force in the middle of it, trying to take Xiao Jing away from him.
What …
His younger brother is bent on leaving.
If he leaves, he won’t come back. Then he should live like a pig.
There are some things he can’t pick for fear of getting into trouble. Xiao Jing pushes people further.
But what? His younger brother once loved what he was crazy about, and he was close at hand, but he could never touch it again.
There is a gap between the two people, such as a natural barrier, and no matter how hard they try, it will be useless.
Lu Changyuan is afraid of being afraid all the time.
He can’t lose the person in front of him, and he doesn’t know what to do to cherish and love him more.
Lu Changyuan is stronger all his life, but he is as green as March Li in love.
At one time, he didn’t know people clearly, and repeatedly rejected his younger brother for thousands of miles of trauma, which made him feel like a knife.
Lu Changyuan thought that it was so painful that he realized how to think.
Since from the experience, tit for tat.
That day, Xiao Jing was so desperate that he pulled out the fairy bone in despair and made a clean break.
Now Liu Changyuan also draws out immortal bones to atone or please, and it is enough to get a look from him.
"Teacher younger brother fairy bone is really painful …"
He remembered that Xiao Jing was most afraid of pain, but when he pulled out the fairy bone, he was silent.
How painful and scared he should have been then.
Lu Changyuan burst into tears and regretted, "How can I … hurt you repeatedly?"
Xiao Jing’s heart was very stuffy. He opened his mouth several times in his pleading and silently looked away. "Liu Changyuan, you shouldn’t be like this."
Yuan Zhenjun is a generation of swordsmen. He is proud of his fame and praises God. Although he loves disciples, he is proud of his temperament. He is the first person in the contemporary world to eliminate demons and defend Taoism all his life.
He will soar to the celestial world and be admired by thousands of people. It is the pride of Jianzong. How can this world be possessed and its foundation destroyed 2?
"Liu Changyuan, don’t be stubborn and don’t regret it." Xiao Jing’s tone is heavy and every word is indifferent. "Our grievances are over. The so-called water under the bridge can’t look back."
"It’s hard to collect water …?"
Liu Changyuan was stuck in a nightmare, and his face was horribly white.
"No … no …"
No way, no way, no way!
A red light flashed from the fundus.
The moment Liu Changyuan more crazy bitter smile stumbled in the chamber of secrets gave a bitter smile.
"Ha … ha ha … ah ha ha ha … ahhh-"
Suddenly, Liu Changyuan screamed at the sky, and the messy magic gas was dragged into his red eyes for a moment.

The receptionist immediately changed her attitude after comparing the photos. "Madam President, I’m sorry, I’m new here and I didn’t recognize you. I’ll call the president now."

"Don’t tell me where they are, I’ll go directly." Xia Zhu took out her president’s wife’s rack for the first time.
The front desk dare not neglect "President Bai and Zheng Laoerlou Cafe"
"Good thank you" Xia Zhusong a sigh of relief. This is the Bai Yinting industry. She knew it, but she didn’t expect herself to be such a good wife of the president.
Xia Zhu, who came to the second floor, soon found Bai Yinting and Zheng Luanxiong because of them and they didn’t look very good.
Xia Zhu is considering whether Zheng Luanxiong saw her in the past. "Miss Xia is very happy to meet you. Just now, Mr. Bai said that you are not feeling well."
"Zheng Lao, I’m really not well today, but I feel better now, so I’m here. I’m not interrupting your conversation, am I?" Xia Zhu walked over and sat beside Bai Yinting.
Bai yinting really doesn’t want Xia Zhu to appear here, which is a dangerous signal.
"How can I disturb Miss Xia? Just now we talked about you. If you are interested, I think your image is very suitable for our company spokesperson." Zheng Luanxiong actually invited her.
"Zheng Lao" Bai Yinting once again made a decision for Xia Zhu. "Besides, I don’t need her to show up to make money. We appreciate your kindness, but this spokesperson still asks you to find someone else."
Xia Zhu looked at Bai Yinting’s side face and the cold breath was familiar to her. The man was angry again.
"That’s too bad. I think Miss Xia and I have a lot of fate. Seeing you reminds me of an old friend," Zheng Luanxiong said suddenly.
Xia Zhu suddenly became nervous. "Do I look like your ex-girlfriend?"
When she said this, Xia Zhu’s eyes were a little reddish, and she tried to hold back her tears. She couldn’t cry.
Bai yinting seemed to notice that her voice trembled slightly and she grasped Xia Zhu’s hand. although he was angry at Xia Zhu’s sudden appearance, he still tried to protect her.
"Oh, it’s either my first love or my present wife. I’ve loved her all my life." Zheng Luanxiong answered very frankly
Xia Zhuxin was violently shattered, and he denied his mother directly, as if he had never appeared in his life.
"Love someone all your life?" Xia Zhuqiang endured a trembling heart. "Didn’t Zheng Lao meet her woman when he was young?"
Bai Yinting looked at Xia Zhu. He meant Bai Xia Zhu, but it was not polite to ask.
Zheng Luanxiong remained calm and smiled and said, "I think this is also the reason why I can be so successful in jewelry industry. Loving a woman for life is my commitment to her and my attitude towards love."
Xia Zhu’s hand trembled. Bai Yin held her hand. His heart was not angry, but he wanted to say those words. Xia Zhu could bear not to say a word.
After all, he clearly knows the triangle love affair between Zheng Luanxiong and his mother Xia Zhu’s mother. Whether he really loved him or not, at least he once hurt two women who loved him.
Now it’s a big joke to talk about his love concept here in a high-sounding way.
"Zheng Lao, didn’t you just say that I am like an old friend of yours? May I ask who is the old friend? " Xia Zhu would like to hear what kind of story he will make up.
Chapter one hundred and sixteen Jade pendant is false
Zheng Luanxiong’s eyes suddenly dimmed when he heard Xia Zhu’s question. Everyone will have some regrets in his heart, and so will he.
"Xia Zhu, don’t we have an appointment with grandpa for dinner tonight? It’s time to go now. "Bai Yinting doesn’t want Xia Zhu to continue suffering here.
"There will be an hour when Zheng Lao just said that I am destined. I think so, too. I really want to talk more." Xia Zhu also doesn’t want to leave
What else did Bai Yinting want to say? Zheng Luanxiong spoke first. "I said that my old friend was my savior. Without him, I wouldn’t have achieved today."
"savior?" Xia Zhu feels that Zheng Luanxiong is making up stories.
"Yes, it was more than 20 years ago. At that time, I was a stranger here in mainland China, and I was cheated. I was penniless for a while. If he hadn’t saved me, I’m afraid I would have died in another country." Zheng Luanxiong replied.
"A woman?" Xia Zhu’s heart is still whether his mother will appear in Zheng Luanxiong’s story.
"Not a man, but a designer with his own ideas." Zheng Luanxiong looked at Xia Zhu with that kind of appreciation and aftertaste and a little sadness
"Designer?" Xia Zhu feels more and more outrageous.
"Yes, I still have the photos," said Zheng Luanxiong, who was about to take the photos when his cell phone suddenly rang.
"Sorry to take a message" Zheng Luanxiong apologized and answered the words.
Xia Zhu is in some fog. What does Zheng Luanxiong want to say to her and show her photos? Did he also find something?
Bai Yinting was also very nervous in his heart. He had already predicted that Zheng Luanxiong would definitely investigate Xia Zhu’s family background. Before he did, he made preparations for Chufei. I hope everything goes well or it will be all over.
Yesterday, he saw that Zheng Luanxiong seemed to have different feelings for Xia Zhu, and it was not the time for them to recognize each other, whether for blood reasons or what he found.
Just now, Zheng Luanxiong’s words strengthened Bai Yinting’s belief. If he knew Xia Zhu, he might do something bad for Xia Zhu to maintain his image.
Xia Zhu certainly didn’t know what Bai Yinting was doing behind her back. She was staring at Zheng Luanxiong closely. When he answered the phone, he didn’t say a word, but his face became more and more gloomy.
I can’t hear what the other party said, but Xia Zhu can feel Zheng Luanxiong’s disappointment.
After putting the phone on, Zheng Luanxiong sighed. He glanced at Xia Zhu meaningfully before saying, "Where were we just now?"
"You said you had photos" Xia Zhuxing
Zheng Luanxiong nodded. "Yes, I still have the photos, but I didn’t bring them to my home drawer."
Xia Zhu felt ridiculous. Just now, before he answered the phone, he had made a search for photos. Why didn’t he bring them for such a while?
It seems that he didn’t want to show it to himself. That just made him change his mind.
Bai Yinting was relieved. It seems that Zheng Luanxiong was so desperate because he didn’t get the answer he wanted in the end.
He never stopped looking for Song Yumei himself, so he must be extremely careful and never show any flaws.
Since Xia Zhu told Zheng Luanxiong that his mother had died, she was dead and would not come back to life under any circumstances.
Also, since she takes her mother’s surname, she created a file with her mother’s surname Xia, and even handed Zheng Luanxiong the photos and the location of the cemetery.
Bai yinting, of course, also made sure that he wouldn’t make a detailed investigation into the significance of the cause.
Zheng Luanxiong seems to have no interest in chatting after answering the words, and the whole person seems to be depressed.
Bai Yinting was about to take Xia Zhu away again, but Xia Zhu suddenly took out a jewelry box from his bag. "Zheng Lao, you are an expert in jewelry and diamonds. I want to take advantage of today’s opportunity to let you take a look at this thing for me."
Bai Yinting’s face changed when he saw the jewelry box, and Zheng Luanxiong also tensed his nerves for more than 20 years. He finally saw it again.
"Xia Zhu, what are you doing?" Bai yinting stretched out his hand to get the jewelry box back. as a result, Xia Zhu has pushed it to Zheng luanxiong.
Zheng Luanxiong trembled and knocked the jewelry box carefully and took out the jade pendant from the inside, which was a little tearful.
Bai Yinting uneasy he really don’t know what is the meaning of Xia Zhu, does she want to reveal her identity today?
"This jade pendant was built in the Qing Dynasty, and there are two others. The other one has been exiled abroad, and this one …" Zheng Luanxiong suddenly opened his eyes in disbelief.
"What’s the matter?" Xia Zhu got nervous.
Zheng Luanxiong did not answer, but rubbed his eyes and wore glasses, and then carefully looked at the jade pendant over and over several times.
Bai Yinting also felt the pressure. Is this jade pendant fake?
How can it be? At the beginning, Chufei took it to Wei experts for identification, and at the same time, through Xia Zhu’s mother, it can be confirmed that she and Zheng Luanxiong can never make a fake!
"Zheng Lao?" Bai yinting asked in a low voice, "is there any problem?"
"Are you sure this jade pendant is the one your mother left?" Zheng Luanxiong some excitement at Bai Yin court.
Bai Yinting suddenly looked guilty at Xia Zhu Xia Zhu and looked at him with a puzzled look. This is his mother. How did it become Bai Yinting’s mother again?
"Yes," Bai Yinting replied. At the same time, the violent heartbeat made him feel suffocated. He clung to Xia Zhu’s hand and he was worried that he would relax Xia Zhu and disappeared.
"It’s fake and the craftsmanship is very poor." Zheng Luanxiong said this without much disappointment, but he was particularly excited. "It seems that I still have a chance to find her."
"Zheng Lao? Are you sure this is fake? " Xia Zhu can’t believe it.
"Yes, the ex-ChuFei did the appraisal in person." Bai Yinting also felt incredible.
"I also feel strange about this, but I will never be mistaken." Zheng Luanxiong looked at the jade pendant in his hand again and then at the box. "The pendant is fake, but this jewelry box is real."
Xia Zhu suffered a great blow. Her brain was white and her heart seemed to hurt more …
Chapter one hundred and seventeen Envy envy hate
If this jade pendant is fake, isn’t all Xia Zhu’s resentment and entanglement with Zheng Luanxiong misplaced? He is not looking for someone himself.
How ridiculous! Xia Zhu stared at the fake jade pendant in a daze, breathing more and more rapidly. She should have thought of how her biological father could be the tall jewelry tycoon in front of her.

Crackle between Wolf Warriors powerful Wolf’s paw has been set in ChengTou, gun potential a shock, ShouJiang body immediately shot out. "Those who violate my heavenly gate will be punished far away!"

Even more amazing is yet to come. The scorching sun was suddenly covered by large dark clouds, which plunged the whole Chengtou into a shadow. Until some foot soldiers were shocked to drink aloud, other foot soldiers who had not returned to their senses knew that they were wrong. What dark clouds were there? It was clearly a piece of Wolf Warriors overhead!
Tianmen City is just a county town, and the walls are not tall, but it is also a city. However, in the eyes of these wolves, it seems to be just a slope for jumping over and playing, and it is too shocking to jump on the city head with ease.
"Brother Yi will be all right?"
The yellow dancing butterfly among wolves jumped to Chengtou when she saw Yi Ming, and was attracted by Yi Ming’s posture. Her eyes were completely submerged by the little stars, but she was a little worried.
"Rest assured, Yi Ming is led by the most elite troops in the Blood Wolf Ride. Although the number is small, the combat power cannot be underestimated."
Can jump on ChengTou, this power who will dare to small, ChengTou instantly into a melee, but what do you think is like a one-sided massacre.
"Young-fly-wang, rose ready!"
"As soon as the city gate is broken, follow me to the city immediately."
Not all wolves can leap into Chengtou, and judging from their dress, they know that they won’t have any siege weapon. Their siege ability is poor, so they can only wait outside the city, waiting for Yi Ming to open the city gate.
"Be quiet, everyone. There is nothing else to call you here today. It is the lady who wants to say a few words to you." Above a luxurious tower, Kuai Yue grinning to the people below said.
The people under the high platform have different expressions, some look coldly, some disdain sneer, some can’t believe it, and some look curiously. In short, there are all kinds of expressions. Some of them are staring at the high platform with bright eyes. It is not hot in autumn, and it can be said that there is still a little coolness, but their temples are still covered with sweat as big as beans.
Wei Yan is such a person. He looked around and touched his sleeve. There was a short sleeve arrow hidden in the sleeve. The intelligent Wei Yan immediately knew that these people around him were not trying to save his wife, but to kill her. They would never allow her to climb the platform and say surrender.
Kuai Yue said a few more words, then immediately turned his head and said to a screen, "Please, madam."
"Sister …"
"Well, that’s all we can do now." Bian Shi sighed gently, waved the screen and came out, followed closely by his mother.
The appearance of Bian Shi made the people at the bottom of the pot immediately explode. They really didn’t expect Bian Shi to appear in the high platform. The appearance of Bian Shi made the people’s hearts lose their last hope. Many people roared to the sky, "Oh, my God! Is it true that Tianmen City has fallen? "
The environment in Tianmen City is very subtle. Although everything in Tianmen City is controlled by Liu Biao, it seems that Liu Biao is the owner of Tianmen City, but it is not the case in the hearts of the people, because there are still foot soldiers in Tianmen City fighting bloody battles in the city, Tianmen City has not surrendered, and there is still a little hope in their hearts. The appearance of Bian Shi instantly extinguished this flame.
Bian Shi has been walking with her head down, feeling guilty. She didn’t dare to look at the people below. She stood on the stage, fell down on her knees and bowed heavily. "I’m sorry!"
"Madam …" Many elders in the audience saw this scene with tears in their eyes, and mumbled a word with their lips.
"You also worship!" Bian Shi’s tone can’t be refused, and the obedient mother prostrated herself with Bian Shi.
Blackhead wiped the tears from the corner of his eye. He didn’t dare to listen to Bian Shi. He was afraid that he couldn’t get down. He stretched out his arm and aimed the cufflinks at Bian Shi, gestured to the left and right, and immediately there were ten cufflinks aimed at Bian Shi. This was just the blackhead side, and I don’t know if there were anyone else.
"I’m sorry, madam." (To be continued. . )
Chapter three hundred and seventy Internal strife
Countless people below wiped their tears and raised their arms, with different eyes, determination, perseverance, reluctance, struggle and various poses, but they raised their arms without exception.
As an extremely convenient assassination weapon, the sleeve arrow is the first choice weapon, and it will never drag its feet and leave no trace. Some people in later generations even developed weapons such as sleeve guns after being inspired.
I don’t know who gave a loud roar at the bottom, and countless tiny broken arrows whistled out. Not only Bian Shi, I’m afraid even the mother beside Bian Shi had to be shot into a hornet’s nest.
"Madam, be careful!"
Wei Yan knew that he couldn’t wait any longer. At the critical moment, he stood up, and his speed was faster than that of the sleeve arrow. He almost teleported to the front of Bian Shi. He was about to open the sleeve arrow like raindrops, but he was blocked by a figure in front.
"Le Tong Ling!" Wei Yan made a surprise noise.
"protect your wife!"